LACAG was formed for one purpose:

To provide a forceful and relentless voice for Louisiana citizens across the state who only wish to live their lives in freedom and peace, without tyrannical government intrusion.

LACAG will fight to defend citizens’ free speech rights and freedom from unlawful vaccine mandates; from illegal and life crushing lockdowns; from oppressive taxation; from radical ideology being taught to their children in school; from government sanctioned attack on their values; from government dictating which medications their doctor can prescribe; and, critically, freedom to know their elections are secure, accurate, and reliable ─ so there is never a repeat of the fraudulent 2020 election. 

LACAG was created to speak for these citizens.Shamefully, many of our legislators are so busy enriching themselves and the special interests to which they are beholden that they have forgotten the citizens of the state of Louisiana. They have forgotten the promises of liberty contained in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence. They have forgotten whom they serve. They are not protecting us. They are not defending us. They are selling us out.

Now we fight back.

1. The principal focus and goal of LACAG is to expose and remove from office any elected leader in the Louisiana state legislature who betrays the core values of constitutional governance due to cowardice, corruption, or allegiance to a special interest group. 

2. LACAG is action-oriented, focused, and geared to produce measurable results. We will identify, expose, and vote out anyone in the legislature who is betraying the citizens who put them there.
Together, we will change the story of Louisiana. If not us, who? If not now, when? 

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Fighting for Citizens. Funded by Citizens.


Louisiana Citizen Advocacy Group